TMJ Treatment for Adults

A full comprehensive exam is necessary to understand what is causing the patients pain and discomfort. This evaluation is achieved by reviewing the patients’ medical history as well as a detailed clinical exam to include jaw movement, skeletal structure and posture, airway and dental health, as well as cranial and neurological examination and muscle palpations.
The two temporomandibular joints can differ not only in size and shape, but also in function. It is possible to have a problem in one joint with the symptoms expressed in the other joint. Pain can migrate from one side to the other because of the complexity of this joint.
Nerves, tendons, ligaments and muscles are all interconnected with the TMJ. When any one part malfunctions, this complex system can be compromised from working together in harmony. Therefore, a careful and thorough diagnosis is needed to determine the root cause.
Finding the right practitioner to identify the root cause of the pain can be difficult as the TMJ transcends the boundaries between several health-care disciplines including: dentistry, neurology, pulmonology, otolaryngology or gastroenterology, chiropractic or physical therapy and psychology. Therefore, patients may find treatment approaches that vary from medication regimens for pain management to molding a night-guard (which can actually exacerbate inflammation).
Dr. Alkhoury’s state-of-the-art practice focuses on a comprehensive evaluation for diagnosis and non-invasive treatment therapies. His office is equipped with the latest technologies to further diagnose TMJ problems, direct non-surgical treatment, and monitor treatment progress for maximum results.